Monday, April 26, 2010


Oh, Sundays are really becoming the new Saturdays. My more subdued lifestyle has lent itself quite well to my productivity on the weekends and it was this particular Sunday I was quite fond of.
The morning started as most of our Sundays do these days, coffee in the yard while we play with the dogs and then off to the farmers market. Before making it even halfway through the FM, Ryan decided it was due time for us to go to the movies again. With other pressing items on my agenda for the day, I decided that if it was going to happen, it had to be right now. So we bypassed the rest of the market, I peeled myself away from the many flowers and veggies I had been eyeing, and we booked it over to Burbank to catch an early show of Kick-Ass. My socks were rocked even further to learn that the early show at AMC is just $6, hooray early bird specials.

This movie was utterly fantastic and I can say with certainty, you have no idea what you are in for. I found myself developing a nerdy crush on the lead played by Aaron Johnson, and my new movie idol is embodied in that of an 8 year old girl.

As I left the theater, I decided that I too in fact, would like to kick some ass. However, my hopes for justice and intentions to now defy all evildoers were quickly thwarted. ADD had kicked in and my shiny object in question was called the Burbank Arts Fair. Schockingly, Ryan was in support of my desires to walk aimlessly around downtown Burbank. As I tried to put our Sunday course back on track (per the previously mentioned agenda), Ryan uttered four words I have never and probably will never again hear him say, "Go with the flow". So I embraced Ryan's new-found hippydom, perhaps my NorCal 60's wannabe mentality had finally started to rub off. As we walked around the fair, I quickly learned that he had really been capitalizing on my love of all things arts, crafts, and fairs; the true motivation was Hawaiian BBQ.

As we enjoyed our food, I snapped this picture of a corner of the fair. On the left, you can see the semi-creepy little alien costumed things that were walking around which just made me curious as to whether it was a child or a little person walking around in those.

We finally left to rush to home depot so I could accomplish at least one productive thing of the day. My quest to become an accomplished gardener was hindered by the fact that I have absolutely no gardening suppplies (and I guess no knowledge about gardening whatsoever). I will keep you updated on my progress as I try to fearlessly tackle the wonders of my yard. First up are Zinnias & Impatiens:

Once we made it home, I convinced Ms. Brit and Drew to come partake in margarita time. Our conversation covered an extensive list of very 'broad' topics, but once the night was over we had established an imposed Circle of Trust by Ms. Brit, so unfortunately I cannot explain what she is trying to explain in the following photo.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


We laugh until we think we’ll die,

Barefoot on a summer night

Nothin’ new is sweeter than with you

And in the streets you run afree,

Like it’s only you and me,

Geeze, you’re something to see.

So the posting has been quite meager, I realize. I have quite an extensive list of excuses as to why I fell off the face of the earth, in the blogging sense, but really its attributed to the fact that we FINALLY moved into a house and any inkling of free time I have had was put toward my housely duties. Not only is the above video ever so appropriate, excuse its obvious reference in the title, but I felt it needed to be shared as it is completely impossible to watch and not smile.

And we are home for now, almost box-free, the giant pile of laundry has dwindled significantly thanks to my beautiful new HE Washer & Dryer, and 2/3 is decorated - so basically we are 66.67% of the way there. The giant weight that was previously on my shoulders is now gone, and that weight was what I call "Apartment Dogs Guilt". Though they are still inside during the day since the fence is not up to my high standards, they get to run free at all other times to their hearts' content. This basically means I have tired dogs at home who no longer chew everything they see.
I have many other significant updates to provide (Drew's fight, Ryan's Laker-Mania, 1-2 New Recipes) as well as many pictures that have yet to be taken of the new house, but for now, here are my scrap pictures taken from my wonderful new Droid phone that showcase our new home in all its glory as the backdrop.

a little piece of our living room which overlooks the dining area behind it, the window to our backyard, and to the right is the hallway to the bathroom/bedroom/studio.

another view from the living room. Sam is resting/pointing his head toward the kitchen and back door.

And the best part about our house, is our yard. Drew & Ry showcase it very well with their whiskey and stogies.



"I liked the new blog but I desperately want to know what Brittany is doing in that photo."





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